Graduation is a terrific milestone deserving of celebration, but kids leaving high school (and middle school, obviously) are too young to drink alcohol. The temptation may be to provide them a safe environment to partake, but our partners at Ask, Listen, Learn suggest otherwise.
Tag: underage drinking
The Future of Responsibility is Now
Stress, responsibility and action. These are no longer the domain of adulthood, and we can’t help but wonder why we ever thought they were.
The Drunk on the Shelf: Drinking and Holidays
The year is almost over, but there’s still a lot of good to do before it ends. Also, drinking.
Have You Had the Alcohol Talk?
According to a new study, dads are less likely than moms to have the alcohol talk with their kids. Let’s change that.
Super Peer Doesn’t Wear a Cape
Social media has spawned the rise of Peer Pressure 2.0. As parents we need to make sure our kids don’t rely too heavily upon it for validation. (That goes for us, too.)
Connection Comes First (Then Do Whatever You Want)
As part of our collaboration with, we take a look at the importance of connection, between parents and children, and society as a whole.
Thanksgiving Drinks: Sips, Tips and Holiday Survival
Do drinking and the holidays go together like, um, drinking and the holidays?
Cultivating Conversations with Children: Repeat and Repeat
Having the “big conversations” with your kids may be easier if you build up to them—one word at a time. Talk early to kids about alcohol . . . and everything. We’re all better for it.
Birthdays, Underage Drinking and the Gifts We Need Speak Of
This is our latest piece for #TalkEarly, and it is about drinking in front of your kids and talking to them about it. Now with a picture of cake!
Responsibility Vs. Mullet: A True Story
Talking to our kids about alcohol is a conversation of respect (for themselves and others), health, safety and responsibility. This post is in partnership with and totally acceptable 80s hair.