changing the world one dad at a time

Category: Causes

MDA: The Muscle to Make a Difference

You’ve seen the ice bucket challenges and telethons, but did you know that the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) is the world’s leading nonprofit health agency dedicated to finding treatments and cures for muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neuromuscular diseases? They fund worldwide research; provide comprehensive health care services and support to MDA families nationwide; and rally communities to show support via advocacy, fundraising, and local engagement. It is pretty special.

Get Ready, Get Safe: Save the Children Urges Disaster Preparedness

Two years ago today, Hurricane (“Superstorm”) Sandy made landfall near Brigantine, N.J. and Save the Children is urging parents and others take a pledge to protect children from disaster and encourage others to do the same. It also is encouraging everyone to create a disaster plan checklist and make sure that your kids’ schools and/or child-care centers keep their disaster plan updated and shared on a regular basis with parents and other at-home caretakers.

Lung Cancer: ‘If You Breathe, You are Vulnerable’

November is lung cancer awareness month. Lung cancer is the biggest killer in the world, and second in the U.S. only to heart disease. Unfortunately, maybe because of the stigma of lung cancer as a smokers’ disease (and by implication, a disease they deserve), or maybe because other groups working for awareness for other types of cancer,have been so admirably successful, lung cancer research and organizations receive comparatively very little funding. Let’s change that.

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