changing the world one dad at a time


Sunbeam through the blinds on the first morning of November.

November: the melancholy month. Green fades to orange fades to yellow fades to brown. The shadows always lengthen. Lucy always yanks the football. The leaves always fall.

We should be grateful. Deep down, we are.

We are.

In so many ways, humanity has never had it better.

But in so many ways, humanity has never had it worse.

Dickens was right. Now is always the best and worst of times.

It’s not always easy to focus on the good. Especially now.

Especially in November, a month of emotional austerity and gastric excess. Everything is stripped to its essence – and we are compelled to give thanks.

Thanks. For what? The turkey? The stuffing? The pumpkin pie?

Each other?

Yes. That, most of all.

Give thanks, too, for next November. We have a lot to get through before then. We need to stick together.

Think of this: November will always be tinged with melancholy, but next year …

Next year. Imagine the possibilities.


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